If nothing else, I'm an honorable gentleman.
I live by a code of pure gentlemanliness - an urbane credo of decorum. The Mill's Manifesto.
My word is my bond.
Go ahead, ask around. I doubt you'll hear anything to the contrary. As long as you only ask my Mom.
Besides, if you don't believe me, you can kiss my ass.
Anyway, a while back I held a contest - my first refer-a-friend drive - whereby I offered a free I Am The Mill t-shirt to anyone who got the most people to visit my site and leave a comment.
The results were spectacular........Spectacularly disappointing. The winner was able to get 3 people to visit.
But nevertheless, as with any contest, there was a winner. And that winner was promised a free t-shirt.
So, please allow me to unveil the November 2007 winner of The Mill's 1st Refer-A-Friend Drive. Mr Dennis Hui. The awards ceremony was held earlier today amidst a cheering throng of office cubicles:

The honorable Dennis Hui - former fashion model, and finest gentleman - sports the newest "I Am The Mill" design.

If you're interested in getting your dirty little hands on one of these totally sweet shirts, let me know. I may be able to find one in your size.
I like the shirt.
I must say it's an honor to receive the first Mill t-shirt and I will wear it proudly while freely advertising Scott's website.
I can see the traffic now! Have fun in Spain dude!
Dennis, you are truly a gentleman. An officer, and a gentleman to be exact. You are now officially a captain in the Mill's Internet Militia. No guns. Just words.
Yo Mill - Send me a shirt - the general
The General - give me your address. And promise me you will wear the shirt to the mall when you go there to pick up some high school chicks.
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