Sunday, July 29, 2007

DAVID ALAN GRIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I'm not easily starstruck, suffice it to say. But I just had to let you know that I saw David Alan Grier in the Gramercy Tavern bathroom last night. He looked great.

Funny man D.A. Grier
Here's what happened:
I head to the men's room after a lovely meal with Jaimi (my highly intelligent and highly significant other). As I prepare to enter the restroom, the door opens. Gracefully, with a fluidlike motion reminscent of our beloved friend the sea otter, David Alan Grier begins his confident and purposeful passage through the doorway. I say "Hi", then sort of barge into the doorway before he can even get halfway out. This forces him to hold the door open for me, lest we collide and tumble to the floor of the men's room. That wouldn't have been such a bad thing because a) Gramercy Tavern is a very nice place, and the bathroom floor is probably cleaner than the dishes I eat off of at home, and b) it was DAVID ALAN GRIER.
He looked a little annoyed. I suppose that's because he's used to having people hold doors for him, and not the other way around. It's also possible that he wasn't feeling very well last night, thus necessitating a trip to the bathroom in the first place. No need to speculate. It was him. I saw him, said hello, and he held the door for me. Not quite enough time to ask him to autograph a paper towel or square of toilet paper for me. However, he did look directly at my face for a second or two. I will never wash this face again.

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